I didn't post yesterday as I was upset and angry. It was over something that some might find trival but to me it was the undermining of me as a parent. My daughter needed a small trim of her long her which was at middle of the back level it was straight and shiny. A family member (those who have read previous post will know who I'm talking about) said they would do it.No big problem she's trimmed daughters har before. Having said only trim it cut and inch of at most (you can probably guess what happend next) I go to pick daughter up who now has a bob that sits just on her shoulders! I could have cried in fact I did whilst in bed last night venting my anger and hurt to Mr M after all it was relation that did it.
So might feel I was making a big fuss it's only a haircut and my daughter was happy with it and it loos nice but the really issue is she did what she wanted despite my wishes to only cut an inch of. I guess the lesson I have learnt is next time take her to the hairdressers!
So feeling much calmer and it's only hair it will grow back I have been ordering seeds for the garden and researching accomadation for our New Year skiing holiday today whislt making some soup with some limp and old vegetables for the freezer.
Oh I think I would have been devastated and upset too! But like you say it will grow back but it's the principal of the thing.