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Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Tuesdays triumphs

I spent a good 3 hours on the allotment this morning. Digging over the last patch of weeds and removing the artichoke plants which roots were deeply imbedded into the soil. I even broke a prong of my fork so will now have to replace that. I'm quite pleased with myself even if I say so myself. This is what it looked like when I took it over a couple of weeks ago. 

It was full of old rotten vegetables and plenty of weeds that looked like this. 

After clearing it bit by bit and planting some potatoes and onions and some carrots the rest is ready for more planting.

But now my allotment looks like this.

It's my little plot and I can't wait till things start growing and I can go with the children to pick the vegetables for dinner.

The other thing I'm proud of is my little compost bin which I wouldn't have if it wasn't for the generosity and time from Fellow blogger Frugal in Suffolk and her husband C. Who kindly popped over this morning with 4 pallets carried them to my plot and even constructed them together so I now have a fantastic compost bin. 

Please excuse the rest of the mess at the side I will get it sorted soon. 


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