About Me

Monday, 4 May 2015

What's been happening

It's been quite a busy couple of weeks of after school clubs and cricket at weekends, though things are now settling down nicely and we are back in a routine. I do have to write everything down though as bound to forget something. 

I also have a new car it was really needed my last car we bought at the auctions and was 6 months old and the clock read 6000 miles. That's was nearly 15 years ago and was our main car until 3 years ago then we became part of the two car family. I need a car to potter about in but don't do many miles. But  the time came to replace it and back  to the auctions we didn't see anything so popped into the local Ford garage and saw a nice little KA only 9000 on the clock and three years old. So I'm the new owner of this little car and I must say I love it.

If you have been flicking through the news you might have seen the new book eat nourish glow which seems to be the latest diet craze. You cut out all gluten, dairy and processed sugar this is nothing new in our household as my daughter has coeliacs and im boarder line she also is allergic to dairy and eggs so she has to cut these things out for her health and so she doesn't end up in hospital. She does have a bit of sugar in things though. All our meals are dairy and gluten free anyway unless I make a pie which myself and little miss don't eat. I'm always on the thinking that as long as it's homemade it's much better for you than shop bought with all the preservatives ( im sure you need a chemistry degree to understand what half of them are) they put in. Look at Mrs Berry queen of home baking she looks great and cooks everything from scratch. I wonder if the trick is just one small slice or biscuit not the whole cake or packet!

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