I did pop to my new allotment today but only for an hour as my little boy wasn't feeling a 100% and I didn't think it was far to keep him out for to long I did do some weeding.
But as you can see still plenty more to do. Also thank you to the advice from two Sue at Frugal in Suffolk and Sue at Our new life in the country regarding yesterday. I cut the seeded but of the rhubarb and pulled some lovely pink stalks for pudding tonight which I will stew and serve with custard.
Having come home and the little one fell alseep I did a plan of the allotment and what is currently growing or taking up space.
I have now done a list of all the things we want to grow and is reading the books I have. I have grown vegetables at home but never to this scale and only so it really is a learning curve for me. This is the list of vegetables we (children and I) would like to grow.
Early potatoes
Main crop potatoes
Runner beans
Dwarf beans
Broad beans
Brussels sprouts
Onions red and white
Raspberries (already there)
Asparagus (already there)
I will grow tomatoes, salad and strawberries at home along with lots of herbs I already have. Now I really don't know where to start I have a basket full of seeds on a popular seed company website and it already comes to £46.00 I might just pop to local garden centre as I'm sure I could buy plants already started off. Unless anyone knows where else I can pick up some to get me going.
Don't try and grow too much at first, it's easier to start small, rather than try and do everything. I wouldn't bother with maincrop potatoes in a small space. We didn't bother with them until we had a field as they are cheap enough to buy and the space is better used for something that costs more.
ReplyDeleteRunner beans ,sweetcorn are good as they are both nicest when really fresh.
Courgette plants are easy to buy cheap at a car boot sale in a month or so. Pumpkins take up a lot of room but will be fun. Plants for them are cheap enough to buy too.
Wee bit late for getting onion sets this year. Dwarf beans are a pain as they often get attacked by slugs, some of the climbing french beans are delicious especially the pencil thin ones.
Parsnips are sooooooooooo sloooooooooooooow to germinate you might get fed up with waiting!
Good luck with whatever you choose. My best advice would be start small and don't spend too much to start with.