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Friday, 30 May 2014

Parties and poppies

Having constantly checking the weather all week and what a relief it was to wake to sunshine, today was my youngest 7th birthday party which was joint with a friend. We wanted to do something that didn't cost a lot and kept 20 children entertained. Using the cricket club we belong to and doing hotdogs ( proper sausages in a roll not the plastic ones) and ice lollies for food and organising cricket, football and tag games we managed to keep 25 boys and girls amused and fed for two hours. Everyone has said what a great party it was without expensive playcenters and the children are all tired out.

It's supposed to be a lovely weekend which is great as it's a home game tomorrow at the cricket which means I'm doing teas so cakes are baked and ready so I can have a bit easier Saturday morning. 

The photo attached is a poppy feild next to the cricket club it's currently in a feild that is having a planning permission application for 26 houses it's currently at appeal stage hopefully they won't get permission but these days they seem to be building houses everywhere.


  1. What a shame, I hope they don't let them build on it x

  2. Sounds like a fantastic party, exactly the sort of thing that children love, and so much better than soft play. I hope your fields don't get built on. There are some down the road from me that are in the process of being destroyed by developers, it's so sad.
