About Me

Monday 11 August 2014

If you go down to my plot today you will be in for a surprise. Beans stalks everywhere, vegetable cage broken and trampled vegetables and damaged sweetcorn.

That's what greeted myself and a few other plot holders today some is wind damage most likely the beans as my canes were not the strongest the other looks to be vandals as wind doesn't have great big feet. I don't really know how to feel angry annoyed but also pleased that none of my tools were missing or damaged. It also has meant that people have pulled together. I'm also grateful that things have come to an end and it wasn't done at the start of the growing season.

So I have picked myself up and salvaged what we could and plan to start again. I wouldn't mind so much if they actually picked and made use of my beans and vegetables but just to trample on them that's just plain ignorance.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Vandals and wind


  1. Oh No. really bad news. There are some strange folk around.

  2. oh no, that's not on. Back in the day I used to go scrumping on the allotments behind my parents house, but at least that was just scoffing peas and fruit, I didn't kick things in.

    nasty business. But I like your attitude to it. Still rotten thing to have happened though :o(
