About Me

Friday 3 October 2014

Reading other blogs

I love reading other people's blogs it's a chance to be nosy which I'm terribly  interested in things other people do. I love the tips people give and I love people opinions whether you agree with them or not. It's a bit like prying in people's diarys but in this instance the people don't mind otherwise they wouldn't blog would they. 

I don't get many comments on my blog posts (I'm not fishing for any) but people do read my ramblings which Im pleased about. I'm not as consistent as other people blogging but I'm hoping to be better at it though sometimes I really have nothing to say as I usually have just stayed home and done the housework and read. 

Though I do love cooking and baking so will probably pop a few food posts up along the way and those who know about my allotment it is finally starting to take shape with proper beds being constructed from wood planks I scavenged from a friend which has saved me a few pennies. Much to my husbands delight.

I have enjoyed people's posts and comments regarding stoptober and whilst I admire those who can and are organised enough not to beable to spend on groceries throughout the month I would find this difficult because I have done this in the past and have found I spend much more in the month where I do a large shop at the beginning than doing a weekly shop. Doing a weekly shop where I have stuck to a list means I'm not doing little top up shops in weeks three and four which means I end up doing a very large shop again because everything runs out at once.

Tomorrow we are getting together with family for a card night I can't wait as I love playing cards Newmarket is my favourite as well a sevens. The children are quite good at this and it does get quite competitive especially as we are playing with 1p,2p and 5p coins. 

1 comment:

  1. I had forgotten about Newmarket, we used to play that with friends in the summer holidays. Have fun!
